Private Drawing Lessons
Hone Your Drawing Skills
Like dancing and singing, drawing helps us express our feelings and our dreams.
With art we can celebrate, express joy and sadness, and share with each other.

You already have more natural ability than you realize! Learning to draw isn't a matter of training the hand, but of training the eye to see what the mind passes over.
Observe the world in the way of the artist - where simple, ordinary objects become extraordinary.
This course provides you with an abundance of tools to speed the development of your artistic talent while introducing you to drawing fundamentals.
No experience required. Ages 14+.
Froshay Fine Art Studio offers private lessons for dedicated students who want to quickly take their work to the next level. No matter your skill level, each lesson will be completely tailored to fit you and your goals.
While most students choose to have private lessons all to themselves, some students will occasionally reserve and share private lesson space so that they can learn together. Ask about double or triple private lessons.
Because Froshay Fine Art Studio is a professional private, working studio, visits to the Studio are by appointment only.
Have more questions? Text or Call 949-551-1987 to find out more and to register.
Drawing Class
Supply List
Once you have signed up for your class,
you will need to make sure
you have your supplies!
(Click Below)