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Oil Painting Supplies

So you've just signed up for Oil Painting Lessons! You're going to have a blast. And now you're going to need supplies. I've done my best to break this down and make it as simple for you as possible. The easiest and least expensive way to purchase your supplies is to order the majority of them online (see the column to the right for instructions.)

If you'd rather buy them yourself, I've listed everything that you will need below. You can find a print-friendly version of the supply list on the right.

Do yourself a HUGE favor and make sure to buy only the brands that I recommend and not 'something cheaper'. You might think you are saving money but actually you are wasting it because you will end up needing to purchase the better brand anyway.

If you have any questions at all, feel free to text me at (949) 551-1987 and I am happy to clarify for you.

Oil Painting Supplies

Here's What You'll Be Getting


If you'd rather go shopping for supplies yourself, I've tried to make it as easy as possible for you to find what you need. Please make sure to buy only the brands I recommend -- you'll be saving yourself a huge headache and money in the long run. You can download a printer-friendly version of the supply list by clicking the button below:

Or , buy them yourself

The best place to purchase supplies locally is:

Blick Art Materials

1844 India Street

San Diego, CA 92101

(619) 687-0050

Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-8

Sat: 9-7

Sun: 10-6

Want more options? You can find more at:

Where Can I Buy Supplies?


Order OIL supplies in one click!

To make it easy for you, you can order the majority of your supplies online and save time hunting around for everything on the list as well as money, since Blick Art Materials has great prices! It usually takes about 10 days for supplies to arrive, so if you have time, this is the best method.

I've already selected all of the main supplies that you will need and put them in a class list -- just click the button below to add them to your shopping cart and check out!


There are several Miscellaneous Supplies that you will need that are not included in the list above. They are at the bottom of the supply list on the left hand side. Make sure you bring those with you to your first class as well!

One more thing -- if any of the items are 'Out of Stock', go ahead and order them with the rest of your supplies They will be shipped free of charge once the item comes back in stock.



If you choose to purchase your supplies without using the easy button on your right, please pay close attention to the brands and specific supplies. LOOK at the pictures here!


Winton is Winsor & Newton's Student Grade.


WINTON Brand Oil Paints (NOT Water Mixable Oils!)

  • Cadmium Yellow Light (MUST be LIGHT - not Pale Hue)

  • Cadmium Lemon

  • French Ultramarine Blue

  • Cerulean Blue Hue

  • Burnt Sienna

  • Burnt Umber

  • Permanent Alizarin Crimson

  • Cadmium Red Light - (Important: NOT Cadmium Red Medium or Hue or Deep)

  • Dioxazine Purple

  • Titanium White

  • Winsor Green - (Important: NOT "Winsor Green (yellow shade)" & NOT Winsor Emerald) -- This color is ONLY available as PROFESSIONAL Grade paint


NOTE:  You can substitute GRUMBACHER Brand Thalo Green Blue Shade if Winsor Green is not available. The Winsor Green and Thalo Green are ONLY available in Professional Grade paint (Winsor & Newton), so you might need to check a different section of the store.

Optional WINTON Colors (to purchase later if you want them)

  • Quinacridone Magenta**

  • Winsor Orange

  • Raw Sienna

  • Raw Umber

  • Yellow Ochre

  • Indian Yellow

  • Cobalt Blue

  • Manganese Blue Hue

**Professional only .

Not available in student grade


Robert Simmons TT42 Filberts

Do NOT purchase 'Artist's Loft' brand from Michael's they fall apart and are a waste of your money! Unfortunately even their "professional brands" are poor quality.


Buy a range of sizes in which ever brand of brush comes closest to this description:

          Long Handled Synthetic Filbert​

  • #2 Filbert    -  1/8" wide bristles

  • #4 Filbert    -  1/4" wide bristles

  • #6 Filbert    -  1/2" wide bristles

  • #8 Filbert    -  5/8" wide bristles

  • #10 Filbert  -  3/4" wide bristles

  • #12 Filbert  -  1" wide bristles

  • #1 Round (SYNTHETIC)

  • #6 or #8 Round (SYNTHETIC)

You don't have to have all of them to begin, but do have a variety of sizes. Try to have at least one of each of a #4, #8 and #12 Filbert. If you can not find all of the sizes in one brand, then choose different brands, but DO get a variety of sizes.

IMPORTANT:  If you are purchasing a different brand, then compare the width of the bristle on the Robert Simmons TT42 size. Different brands size their brushes differently - a #6 in one brand may be 1/4th the size of the same number in a different brand.


Additional Painting Supplies



2.5 oz or larger


MUST be ORIGINAL flavor!




Trowel Style,

2" Rounded Point - Steel




by Weber (16 oz or larger)


      NOT Turpenoid Natural


Don't waste money on a small dinky container - get a larger size - you'll NEED it, trust me!

2 (two)



Purchase TWO of these Jack Richeson GREY MATTERS Paper Palettes. Each comes with a color wheel, a gray scale and a couple of other charts on the inside - You'll LOVE it!



8.5 oz or larger


This versatile linseed oil soap is an excellent brush cleaner. See my guide on how to use this to clean dried paint out of your brushes and clothing!




      16"x20"  and     18"x18"


Or close to these sizes, exact dimensions not necessary. Again, do NOT purchase 'Artist's Loft' brand. You'll find them loose and wobbly.

ArtBin Sidekick Storage Bin.png

ArtBin Sidekick MINI STORAGE


This comes with a tray inside. It will hold almost everything you order for your lessons.




This is the most transparent tracing paper I've found. You only need one pad.

Canson Tracing Paper.jpg



This will be used to create color charts and for painting color studies.

Canvas Pad.jpg

Miscellaneous Supplies from around your home

These are the only supplies that are NOT included in the Blick Art Materials supply list online (top right box.) If you are purchasing your supplies online, please make sure to bring these with you to your first class as well.


  • Indoor Slippers or Flip flops — The studio has a 'shoes-off' policy so most students bring either a pair of slippers (in winter), or a pair of flip flops for indoor use. You are welcome to be barefoot or wear socks as well.

  • LARGE Roll of PAPER TOWELS – select-a-size is more versatile

  • Small package of unscented BABY WIPES

  • Old 100% COTTON T-shirt cut up into approximately 4 inch rags (must be 100% cotton because it has no lint)

  • Tall Sturdy Can for BRUSH HOLDER – You don't want to throw your brushes loose into your carrier! (16 oz coffee can works well - no glass please)

  • A Squat, Wide-mouth GLASS JAR (For your Thinner - Don't buy special jars, a small salsa jar will work)

  • Water Bottle with water for drinking

  • Bag for carrying your supplies (anything that works for you)

  • Apron or wear old shirt over clothes



If you own a digital tablet or compact laptop, you are welcome to bring it to class with you. A tablet is a great tool for research! If you don't have one, no worries.


Confused? I've made it MUCH EASIER for you by creating a list on Blick Art Materials. All you need do is click on the link. Everything is preselected for you so you don't have to figure out if you have the correct item. Adding everything to your cart will give you the price. You'll notice a promo code box at checkout. At the top of the website in red, you'll find that code. 


PLEASE NOTE: It takes 10 business days for your supplies to arrive so give yourself plenty by ordering early. Bring EVERYTHING to your first lesson. Lastly, if anything is 'out-of-stock', order it anyway. They won't charge you until they ship it, the shipping will still be free and they usually get new stock within a week or two.


Escondido, CA​

Text: 949-551-1987

All content and images

Copyright © 2024 by Wendy Froshay.

Any duplication or use of

the images without her express

written permission constitutes copyright infringement

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